Resultados de la búsqueda

    7 Resultados
  • Adrian Kilcoyne - Senior Vice President, Chief Audit Executive - se graduó en Cork Institute of Technology.
  • Jim Kearns - Vice President, Project Design Executive - has a Electrical/Electronics Maintenance and Repair Technology from Cork Institute of Technology and Business Administration Degree from Institute of Commercial Management.
    Walt Disney Imagineering - Entretenimiento & Viaje - Estados Unidos
  • Mark Lemasney - Executive Vice President, Power Generation Division - posee un Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering de Cork Institute of Technology.
  • Eddie Kent - Chief Financial Officer and Chief Executive Officer, Europe - se graduó en Cork Institute of Technology.
    DPS Group Global - Ingeniería & Diseño - Irlanda
  • Hugh Curran - Managing Director, North America - has a Master of Science in Mathematics from Cork Institute of Technology and Master of Science in Financial Economics from University College Cork.
    Global Shares - Servicios Financieros - Irlanda
  • Robert Dennehy - Senior Vice President of Operations - se graduó en Cork Institute of Technology.
  • Brian Murphy - Finance Director - has a Master of Business Science in Corporate Strategy and Strategic Marketing from Cork Institute of Technology and Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering from University College Cork.

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