Resultados de la búsqueda

    16 Resultados
  • Josef Salpeter - Chief Executive Officer - posee un Bachelor of Science in Computer Science de Haifa University.
  • Idan Sharon-Kettler - Vice President, Research and Development - posee un Bachelor of Science in Computer Science de Haifa University.
    Senstar Technologies - Seguridad - Israel
  • Nir Epstein - Director - has a Master of Business Administration in Ports and Shipping from Haifa University and Bachelor's in Statistics from Haifa University.
    Zim - Marítimo - Israel
  • Yoav Doppelt - Chief Executive Officer - has a Master of Business Administration from Haifa University and Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Management from Technion-Israel Institute of Technology.
    Israel Corporation - Petróleo & Gas - Israel
  • Adi Bitton - Vice President, Investor Engagements - has a Bachelor in Law and Economics from Haifa University and Bachelor of Arts in Law from Haifa University.
    Trax Retail - Distribución - Singapur
  • Avi Lifshitz - Chief Financial Officer - se graduó en Haifa University.
    Jordan Valley - Semiconductores - Estados Unidos
  • Karmit Shitrit - Vice President of Human Resources - posee un Bachelor in Psychology de Haifa University.
    Vast Data - Internet - Estados Unidos
  • Ayala Domani - Vice President, Technology and Innovation - posee un Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Communications de Haifa University.
  • Yoav Lande - General Counsel - posee un Bachelor of Laws de Haifa University.
  • Yael Wolinitz Kitzis - Vice President of People - has a Master of Arts in Bibliotherapy from Haifa University and Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Tel Aviv University.
    Percepto - Seguridad - Israel
  • Shai Michael - Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer - has a Master of Business Administration in Business Administration and Management from Haifa University and Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Psychology from Haifa University.
    Palram - Plásticos - Israel
  • Zvi Ben-David - Chief Financial Officer - posee un Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Accounting de Haifa University.
    DarioHealth - Salud - Israel
  • Guy Horowitz - Director - has a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Haifa University and Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from Rutgers University.
    SafeBreach - Seguridad TI - Estados Unidos
  • Ravit Ram - Chief Financial Officer and Vice President, Global Operations - has a Master in Actuarial Science from Haifa University and Bachelor in Economics from Bar-Ilan University.
    Motus GI Holding - Salud - Estados Unidos
  • Michal Yanni - Vice President of Human Resources - posee un Master of Business Administration in Human Services and Sociology de Haifa University.
    Spuntech Industries - Textil - Estados Unidos
  • Ilan Gluckman - Vice President of of Business Operations - posee un Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Business Administration de Haifa University.

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