Resultados de la búsqueda

    22 Resultados
  • Jaime Pérez Renovales - Secretary - posee un degree in Business Administration and Law de ICADE Business School.
    Santander - Banca - España
  • Belen Essioux-Trujillo - Independent Director - se graduó en ICADE Business School.
    Ubisoft Entertainment - Videojuegos - Francia
  • Pilar Lopez - Vice President, Strategic Partnerships - posee un Bachelor of Finance de ICADE Business School.
    Microsoft Europe - Software - Bélgica
  • Laura Artal - Global Talent Acquisition Manager - posee un Bachelor in Business Administration de ICADE Business School.
    Amadeus Spain - Entretenimiento & Viaje - España
  • José Manuel Gonzalez - Chairman, Iberia - se graduó en ICADE Business School.
    Howden Group - Seguros - Reino Unido
  • Carlos Pons - Chief Financial Officer - posee un Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration de ICADE Business School.
    Puma Energy - Petróleo & Gas - Suiza
  • Miguel Carsi - President - posee un Degree in Economics de ICADE Business School.
    Toyota Prensa - Automoción - España
  • Alonso Sopeña - Managing Director - posee un Master in Law de ICADE Business School.
    MSC Argentina - Marítimo - Argentina
  • Irene Hernández Álvarez - Lead Independent Director - se graduó en ICADE Business School.
    Ence - Química - España
  • Irene Hernández Álvarez - Director - se graduó en ICADE Business School.
    Elecnor - Energía - España
  • Antonio Faz - General Counsel - posee un Bachelor in Economics and Law de ICADE Business School.
    Santander Asset Management - Holding - España
  • Eric Apode - Chief Executive Officer - posee un Master in Finance de ICADE Business School.
    Peugeot Motocycles - Automoción - Francia
  • Ismael Clemente - Chief Executive Officer and Vice Chairman - posee un Bachelor de ICADE Business School.
    Merlin Properties - Inmobiliaria - España
  • Javier Molina - Executive Chairman of the Board - posee un Law and Business Administration and Management Degree de ICADE Business School.
  • Teresa Paz-Ares - Independent Director - posee un Business Management and Administration Degree de ICADE Business School.
    Bankinter - Banca - España
  • Javier Lopez Madrid - Executive Chairman of the Board - posee un Master in Law and Business Administration degree de ICADE Business School.
    Rafael Barrilero Yarnoz - Director - posee un Master in Financial Economics de ICADE Business School.
    Ferroglobe - Metalurgia - Reino Unido
  • Eduardo Garcia Hidalgo - Director - posee un Bachelor of Arts Degree in Law and a Master of Science Degree in Finance de ICADE Business School.
    Garanti BBVA Asset Management - Servicios Financieros - Turquía
  • Carlos Pons - Director - posee un Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration de ICADE Business School.
    Wolverine Fuels - Minas - Estados Unidos
  • Frédéric Trinel - Co-Founder, Co-Chief Executive Officer and Director - se graduó en ICADE Business School.
  • Miguel Carrero - Vice President of Strategic Accounts - posee un Master of Business Administration de ICADE Business School.
    WatchGuard Technologies - Seguridad TI - Estados Unidos
  • Carlos Pla - Portfolio Manager for the Special Opportunities Strategy - se graduó en ICADE Business School.
  • Frank Bartelt - Chief Operating Officer - posee un diploma in Economics de ICADE Business School.
    Spread Group - Distribución - Alemania

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